Our vision is to be an answer to the prayer of Jesus of manifesting the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Kingdom Movement is united around the passionate pursuit of the presence of God, the building of kingdom family, and a strong emphasis on the transformative teaching of the Word of God.

Our heart is to create a community that looks like family, knows the Father intimately, walks in their new identity, and manifests the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.


Join us Sundays @ 9:30am and 11:45am

1933 Fort Vancouver Way

Vancouver, WA 98663

(Clark College, Gaiser Hall, Park in Red Lot #3)

Sunday @ 9:30am & 11:45am

(564) 888-0448

Childcare is provided ages 6 months to 10 years old.

Questions? Contact us.


Our Core Values


The presence of God is our priority. We long to host the presence of God both in our individual lives as well as when we gather corporately. In the presence of God anything can happen, including revelation, wisdom, miracles, and breakthrough.


Relationships are primary in the kingdom of God. All believers are joined to the family of God. Our focus is to treat believers like family. We build relationships, not just ministries or structures.



Honor recognizes and affirms that every person is valuable and powerful. We are made in God’s image and as such, all are significant and worthy of honor. Honor recognizes and celebrates the best in people, in spite of our differences or shortcomings. The level of honor we have for a person directly affects our ability to receive from them.

Word of God

We have a very high view of Scripture and believe it is the foundation and final authority for all of our faith and practice. The purpose of Scripture is to lead us into relationship with Him and transform us. The lens through which we interpret Scripture is the person and life and work of Jesus; He is the complete picture of what the Father is like.



God is extravagantly generous and out of His great love He gave everything for us. He has also blessed us in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion to advance His kingdom. We freely and joyfully give our time, affection, talents, and finances in service to God, understanding that we are most like God when we give.


Growth is the result of being rooted in Word of God, empowered by the Spirit, and committed to relationships. It’s a direction more than a destination. As disciples of Jesus we pursue a continual growth into Christlikeness which looks like living free from sin, intimate with God, and a life on mission.



God partners with man to achieve the transformation He longs for in our world. Prayer one of the primary ways we partner with God. Our value is to minister to the Lord through building a house of prayer in our community.

Connect with us.